Here are te results from the p5enb ski jury......
Ski-ing rocks! Martin
When you fall over, you don't get hurt....too much! James and Sebbie
Yesterday was awesome, we went down loads of slopes. Hannah
Ski-ings very good. Grace
Grace has dared me to say it's really good......! Helen
it's very tiring.Maylis
The children have been amazing. Thay are pushing themselves in a way they didn't expect, but they are learning loads and have been truly the best class to bring on Class de Neige! Lots of effort, lots of energy, even more to come now the bug is gone. Well done . Mrs B
5 commentaires:
Hi P5ENb
We see you are having an excellent time, nevertheless watch out for the rocks! we want you back all in one piece.
Keep on sending us pictures, they are very nice.
Enjoy the snow!
Marta's mum
Hi Chris,
It sounds like you're having a great time. The pictures look really good. Watch out for the speed bumps!!
Love dad
Dear All,
Great to see you all so elegant for the party and to hear about the party. Sounds great !
We hope you are all very well.
Sebastien's parents
Cher Sébastien,
J'espère que tu as bien dansé hier soir. J'aurais aimé te voir virevolter avec tes amis et faire ta danse speciale wow !
As-tu reçu nos lettres et la lettre de Thomas ?
Ici il fait gris et il pleut et je regarde le beau soleil de Valmenier sur la webcam qui permet de voir les pistes de ski au village où tu es. J'espère que tu es bien prudent sur les pistes et j'ai hâte de recevoir ta lettre pour en savoir plus. Amuse-toi bien mon chéri. Nous t'embrassons très très fort. Maman, Daddy,Thomas.
Hello again Helen & pals
forgot to ask what skiing group you're in - are you with anyone you know? With any luck you'll come back with your 3 rd star and be in the same group as Mark & Claire - or even a better one!?
have you finished all the chocolate yet??
Anyway if telling which boy is who (or whom) in the photos?
They all look the same in goggles and helmets (which is a very sensible idea)
Giles's dog
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