
SunShiny happy people

Happy children holding snow....!
What a long way it was to go,
but each km was worth the trip,
and now we must have a kip.
Skis were heavy, and shoes were too,
we had so much fun we just knew...
the snow was great and the sunshone blue
wish you were here too!
Off for dinner, tummies rumbling,
feet are tired so we are stumbling,
Classe de neige is so much fun
We are so glad we have come.
Love P5ENB

9 commentaires:

Mayra Calvani a dit…

Lovely picture! Keep sending more!

Mayra Calvani

Anonyme a dit…

Thanks for the update and jolly poem...A Mrs B original?
Who got the most snow put down their back then?
Grey rainy & windy here in Brussels so make the most of it guys
Fiona xx

Anonyme a dit…

Hi Grace! Hi class!

It looks as though you are having a top time; wish I was there with you!

Love to all,


Anonyme a dit…

For SEBASTIEN KAYE Class P5enB Hi Seb, Hope the skiing is going well. It's rainy and grey here. Tom is keeping your WOW seat nice and warm. Maman is delighted with your secret message in the kitchen drawer. We're looking forward to seeing more photos on the Blog. Lots of LOVE, Dad, Maman, Tom

Mayra Calvani a dit…

To Melisa...

I hope you're having a wonderful time, Sweetheart! I hope you have received some of the letters which I mailed you before you left.

We miss you and love you!

Take care and have fun!


Anonyme a dit…

To Helen,
Missing you sooooo much. Looks like you are having fun, but the house is very quiet without you and both the hamsters and the cats seem to know that you are gone.
Your loving brother, Mark

Anonyme a dit…

Hi Philip and all the gang,

Looks like you are having a great time in the snow. No snow here, so we are all very jealous!! Helen and Mum say hello as well.


BTW ManU won again!

Paul Nobbs a dit…

Hi Christopher,

It looks like you're having a fab time and the weather looks great. Will you teach me to ski when you return??

Love dad xx

ps Chelsea won today!

Anonyme a dit…

Hi Marta and class mates,

we are missing you a lot. we hope you enjoied the DVD and popcorn session. You look great in the photo.

By the way, it looks like if there is a lot of snow. Be careful.


Marta's dad and mum