
Fun in the snow

Having an amazing time. We are all ski professionals now. The ski instructors say we are progressing really quickly and some of us went on red and black runs. We are super cool!
We have made snow men, slid along the snow on our snow paddles and got some postcards. We have written letters and are looking forward to an enjoyable evening of DVD and popcorn! Some of us have kept our rooms really tidy and are becoming really organised - some of us not !!! We are learning loads about how to look after our things, ourselves and each other.
We are off to Valloire tomorrow and are looking forward to seeing the ice sculptures and shopping!
Lots of love p5ENB

23 commentaires:

Anonyme a dit…

Hi Giulia! Hope you're fine... Dennis is fine, though she is missing you cuddling her...... I've even managed to remember to feed the fish! Mum and Dad are missing you loads.
Love from Chiara <3 <3 xxx

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Hello Thomas and P5enb,
Glad to hear that you're having fun and that the sun's still shining. We're very jealous here in drizzly Belgium! Hope you enjoy the trip tomorrow morning. Best wishes for a speedy recovery to anyone who's ill.
Gillian and Ulrich

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Hi class!
It's great to know that you're having great time and to see the pictures with all the happy faces on them!!! Take the most of this week and enjoy yourselves!
(Martin's mom)

Martin! Väga lahe pilt sinust ja Philipist! Tegelikult olen ma teie peale lihtsalt kade, et saate seal mägede vahel lume sees hullata. Londonis on vihmane ja hall - seega üldse mitte nii mõnus kui teil seal. Vaata oma meilidesse ka - kirjutasin sulle ja ootan hirmsasti su vastust!

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Dear All,

It is great to hear all your news tonight and see the photos. Have a good Sunday in the mountains!

Seb's parents

Cher Sebi, Nous avons bien lu le message de la classe. J'espère que tu vas bien et que tu prendras des photos des scultures de glace pour nous les montrer à ton retour. Ce soir Thomas est chez les Martin et papa et moi sommes allé au cinéma.
Le petit rat dors dans son " sac de couchage chausson" et il a eu des bonnes choses à manger. Nous pensons très fort à toi et nous regardons souvent sur le site pour avoir des nouvelles et pour voir les petits films de la station qui sont disponibles sur internet.
Papa et moi nous t'embrassons très fort. Thomas va t'écrire demain.
Merci pour ton message dans la cuisine ! Ta maman qui t'aime. Geneviève

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Hi everybody!
Great pictures! Have fun and enjoy trip!
Ingrid (another one, Kristiina's mom)

Oled see sina seal lumes vedelemas? Ei tunnegi ära selles varustuses... Räägiti et teil on kõhutõbi liikvel, ega ometi sinul mitte?
Meil siin kõik vanaviisi, tsutsud jooksevad ringi ja üks ronis jälle sinu voodi peale. Saatsin sulle täna veel ühe kaardi (oled ikka esimese kätte saanud?), ega vist rohkem polegi neid mõtet saata, sest jõuad ise enne tagasi!
Musi, emme

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Today 20 February its a special day in France:la Saint Sébastien !

Bonne fête mon Cheri ! Amuse-toi bien aujourd'hui.

Maman et Papa

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Hi Helen, snow angels Ali & Grace and class
Great to get pix and news!
We were babysitting the lads last night and guess what there are more baby hammies!! Really tiny (about the size of my thumbnail), still pink with just the merest hint of fluff..The mum ( don't know her name) was guarding them well so only got a wee peek .
Your hammies & pusses doing well but Fluffy has been in gobbling food again. Think may have to do a Lighthouse Keepers Lunch trick on him!
lots of love from your Mother Dearest and the rest of the crew

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Hi class !

It is great to hear that evferything is fine. Weather seems to be great over there. Keep on going !

Erik & Kati (Johanna's parents)

Tsau Joh, kuidas tervis? kas saad oma meile ka lugeda? kirjutame sulle täna õhtul.

Mayra Calvani a dit…

Hi Melisa,

I'm so sorry some of you got sick... I hope you weren't one of those. Please take care and wrap yourself really warm when you go out. I hope I receive a letter from you soon. Taner and Dad miss you a lot. Taner went to a skateboard park today and Dad is working on some shelves for the entrance hall. The disco is tomorrow (I think) and I know you're all very excited about that, so I pray all will go well and you will have lots of fun.


Margaret Tuite a dit…

Hi Elena, we tried to post messages to you yesterday but did something wrong. We miss you lots and the house is very quiet, but we read that you're having a wonderful time. Savour every moment and take lots of photos - get someone to take some with you in them too. Looking forward to your return. LOL xxx M

Lillis a dit…

Hi Connie, I seem too having difficulties sending a comment on the Blog! Need you to show me how! Glad to see you're having such a wonderful time love. Is that you lying the snow? Couldn't quite make out!! Did you see the ice sculpture today? That fish with the backbone looked amazing. Your own pic you sent me by e-mail is also beautiful. Looking forward to seeing many more. Love you loads. If this works I will post another comment later,


anne t. a dit…

Hi Elena, it's your cousins from Antwerp on a dull, grey day. Oisín says 'happy skiing', Aoife says she 'hopes you have a great time', Seana says 'I hope you don't fall' and Sinéad says 'waahhhhhhhh!'. Love Anne, Willem, Oisín, Aoife + Seana XXxxxx

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Hi Philip,

We see you're having a great time, but give us a thought from time to time. Please don't forget to use your allergy spray tomorrow morning (Monday). Helen was in Emily's house this afternoon so mum and dad were without children for a change!

Bye for now

ps. Marnok says hello!!!!


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Hi Hannah! Hope your ok,everyone here is fine,Cayleigh keeps on asking where you are =P
Hehe, hope you havent broken anything ..yet ;)
We decided to totally raid your room...took most things...well, that we liked =D
(only kidding..HAHAHAHAH =P )
(3 guesses who wrote the comment...you get it right n you win a bar of chocolate )
How's the skiing going?What class you in? Written in your diary yet?
Cayleigh says: KUSJE! =D
hi hannah, out of the beginners group yet ? you better be!its too easy!hope youre having fun!

We hope you have lots of fun! Night x

Anonyme a dit…

Hi Seb,
I hope your enjoying yourself on classe de niege because it's the funnest and probably the only thing you'll remember for primary when you're old.
At Tom's house we did all the karazhan attunment quests so now we are fully attuned and can do kara any day!!! :D YIPEE!!
I also beat you're high score on "bopit" with an amazing 81!!!!
Have fun,

Anonyme a dit…

hi philip
greetings from ireland. your having a snowball of a time i bet. enjoy the rest of your holidays.
nanny and christine xxxx

Unknown a dit…

wayhay Elena! What you doing reading this? Get on out there and have fun y'all! Be sure to pelt a few people for me (photographic evidence of attacks on friends and teachers required). Ach bígí curamach - whenever I start a snow fight, I usually come off worst. An té nach bhfuil laidir, caithfidh sí bheith glic - in other words, have your escape route planned before shoving snow down your lovely teacher's back. heh heh..Have a ball y'all... xM

Anonyme a dit…

Hi Helen
So did the tooth fairy make it all the way to Valmeinier??
Am a bit confused as I thought the disco was tonight ( ie Monday) but now see pix of people dancing etc from yesterday posted by another section...Whatever - hope you are having/had/will continue to have fun and am looking forward to all your News ( you know what I mean...)
kiss kiss Mum xoxox

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Hi Marta and gang!

Looks like you are having a wonderful time... and also the weather looks fine!
Thanks for the pictures, one image is worth more than a thousand words!

Keep on sending messages. We have wrote to your email address in case you have time to check emails!

Lots of kisses


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Hi Giulia,
hope you're having a great time - can't wait to hear all about it. N + N send their 'luf'. Granny says 'have a lovely time pet' Missing you loads and loads M + D xxxxxxxx

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Hi Marta and all,

thank you for the photos. We are watching the area with the three web cameras installed in the village.

I have jus watched a panoramique view of today at 9:44 and it looks that it is sunny. It says that there is between 45 cm and 160 cm of snow (be careful). Be careful because on Tuesday it looiks like if the weather is going to get worse.

Please, remeber what Deborah asked you to do.

Enjoy Disco party tonight.

Kisses from mum and dad.

Anonyme a dit…

Hi Patrick

Great to see the photos on the blog - looks fantastic ! Hope you are feeling better and that the bug didn't spoil too much of the fun.

Make the best of the week - it'll fly by. Dad off to Ireland for a few days but will be back before you.

Don't throw too many snowballs!

Dad, Mum & Laura xoxoxo

Unknown a dit…

Hi Ali and all class 5ENB

Sounds like you all had a great time at the disco - hope the skiing is going well for everybody.
