
Dedication and professionalism


This was my first Classe de Neige and I know it would not have been such a success without the hard work, dedication and professionalism of Bert and Paul. Thanks so much from the children, who have had an unforgettable experience, and from me.
P5ENA Hazel Lewis

Thanks for a wonderful Classe de Neige. We have had an amazing experience, and are all just a little bit sad to leave....but happy to see everyone again. Without you, we would not have been able to have this super time in Valmeinier. Thank you Mr Vermeulen
P5ENB Sam Boulter

Bert och Paul!
Foer Bert och Paul vi hoejer en skal!
Organisera och planera: ja, det aer mycket mera!
Tack och hej och hipp hurra!
Foer Paul och Bert idag!
P5sw Birgitta Johansson

Ihr Lieben, Bert und Paul!
Vielen Dank fuer die wunderbarsten Tage im Januar 2008!!!
Mein Herz ist voller Sonnenschein!!!
Eure Birgitta Lindhorst / p 5dea

Mielas Bert ir Paul,
Dekojam Jums uz puikiai organizuota veikla sniego klasese.
Mokiniai patyre daug maloniu akimirku, igijo slidinejimo igudziu, surado nauju draugu;
Linkime Jums neblestancios energijos, kantrybes, stiprybes, sveikatos ir meiles.
P5LTA Dale Morkuniene

Suomen osaston viidesluokkalaiset ja opettajat kiittavat mahtavasta lumileirista. Nama muistot sailyvat mielissamme pitkaan.
Kiitos siis koordinaattorillemme Berth Vermeulenille - olet aina valmiina auttamaan jo monen lumileirikoulun jarjestamisen tuomalla varmuudella.
Kiitos Paul Krier olet hoitanut hienosti avustajien koordinoinnin ja jarjestit upeita ohjelmanumeroita.
Kuinka maltammekaan palata arkiseen koulutyohon.
p5fiab opettajineen ja avustajineen

Un grazie sentito al coordinatore della "classe de neige" , il prof. Bert Vermeulen e a Paul Krier.
P5ITA / Marco Minutillo

Le soleil a été un compagnon fidèle durant ce superbe séjour à Valmeinier et a illuminé les montagne pour offrir aux élèves et au staff de l'école européenne des souvenirs inoubliables.
Bert et Paul ont été des compagnons fidèles et d'une disponibilité exemplaire durant ce superbe séjour à Valmeinier, et ont illuminé les coeurs et les visages des élèves et du staff de l'école européenne.
Comme le soleil eut été pâle sans Bert et Paul.
Merci de tout coeur à vous deux.
Eric Blanchard & Dominique Dachicourt

Caros Bert e Paul, foi com muita confiança nas vossas capacidades que toda a equipa de professores e alunos vos acompanhou nesta aventura. Agora que estamos a terminar esta semana, certamente inolvidável para todos os que aqui estiveram presentes em Valmeinier, gostaríamos de vos testemunhar o nosso agradecimento. Por tudo.
P5POA / José Fragoso




Chers Parents,

Tous les enfants de 5ème primaire sont rentrés sain et sauf après un long, très long voyage. Ils ont vraiment passé un super moment et cela se voyait sur leur visage quand ils sont descendus du bus à 12.15 ce vendredi soir. Merci de toute votre aide, de votre intérêt actif que vous avez démontré par vos visites sur le BLOG et votre gratitude envers le personnel. Je souhaite, ici encore, remercier tous les titulaires de 5ème, y compris l’enseignant de gym, M. Pol Krier, les moniteurs et parents accompagnateurs, ainsi que le coordinateur des classes de neige, M. Bert Vermeulen pour tout l’engagement et l’énergie dont ils ont fait preuve durant cette excellente période.

Merci de ce que vous avez fait pour nos élèves, vous leur avez fait un cadeau à vie.

Avec mes meilleures salutations.

Dear parents,

All the children of the 5th grade all safely back after a long, long trip. They really had an excellent time which was just showing on their faces when they were descending the busses at 24.15 at Friday night. Thank you for all the support, for the active interest you have shown in visiting our BLOG and for the gratitude you have already shown to the staff. I hereby would again like to congratulate all the teachers of the 5th grade classes, including the sport teacher mr. Pol Krier, the monitors and the accompanied parents and the Classes de neige coordinator mr. Bert Vermeulen for the amazing engagement and energy shown in this excellent period.
Thank you so much for all you have done for our pupils, you have given them a present for life.

With my highest regards,

Nelleke Deelen-Geuze

PS : Merci de compléter le formulaire d’évaluation qui vous parviendra cette semaine, celui-ci nous permettra d’améliorer les classes de neige.
PS: please fill in the evaluation formular which will be send this week to you, this will help us to improve the classes de neige even further.

Nelleke Deelen-Geuze


Chers Parents,

Je viens de recevoir un appel téléphonique à 15.25 du coordinateur, M. Vermeulen. Il m’informe que les élèves de 5ème, les enseignants et les accompagnateurs ont dépassé Culmont en train, +/- 1h30 de Nancy.
J’attends avec impatience de les accueillir vers 23.15, heure à laquelle nous les attendons.

Meilleures salutations

Dear Parents,

I just had a phone call at 15.25 from the coordinator, Mr Vermeulen, to tell me that the 5th grade pupils, teachers and accompagnateurs just passed Culmont by train, about 1,5 hour from Nancy.
I am looking forward greeting them all back again at 23.15, the time we expect them in school.

With kind regards

N. Deelen-Geuze
Deputy Headmaster

Chers Parents,

Nos élèves de 5ème primaire sont dans le train du voyage de retour. Ce train a 15 minutes de retard, mais nous ne connaissons pas l’heure exacte d’arrivée actuellement.
Vers 15.30, nous vous enverrons un mail via les représentants de classe avec l’heure prévue d’arrivée (ce mail sera aussi mis en copie sur le blog).

Meilleures salutations

Dear Parents,

Our 5th year children are in the train, travelling back home. The train had a delay of 15 minutes, but for the moment we do not have an exact time of arrival in school.
At 15.30, we will send to all class representatives a mail with the probable time of arrival (copy of the mail will also be put on the BLOG)

With kind regards

N. Deelen-Geuze

Mieli tėveliai

Labas rytas mieli tėveliai. Dar labai ankstyvas rytas ir mes ruosiames jau kelionei, todėl rašome labai nedaug. Paskutinę naktelę kalnuose išmiegojome gerai. Dabar bėgame pusryčiauti ir į autobusą. Tikimės sėkmingos kelionės į Briuselį, karštai apkabinti Jus. Gaila, kad Lukas paliko mus , būtų linksmiau, kad būtume grįžę visi kartu. Na, bet jis dar vieną dienelę paslidinės su tėveliu Alpėse ir visi susitiksime klasėje. Siunčiamme keletą akirmirkų iš apdovanojimų. Bučiukas nuo mūsų visų. Iki pasimatymo Briuselyje.



Anche oggi,ultimo giorno sugli sci ,abbiamo avuto un tempo splendido.Ieri sera i ragazzi,aiutati da capaci animatori hanno preparato uno spettacolo davvero niente male.

Nel pomeriggio di oggi ,premiazioni e consegna dei diplomi di abili sciatori.

Domani mattina partenza,dovremmo arrivare sulle undici di sera, se il treno sarà puntuale.

Un saluto


Dia de medalhas e de arrumação da malas

Quase no fim, hoje de manhã ainda havia alguns inconformados: 3/4 dos alunos gostariam de continuar por cá, enquanto uma minoria garante que o melhor momento da Classe de Neve foi a viagem de comboio. Não ficaram muito convencidos das virtudes do esqui, mas a verdade é que hoje por volta das 6 horas, empunhavam com orgulho o diploma de Floco de Neve, Uma Estrela, Duas Estrelas e Três Estrelas.
Anuncio também solenemente que me foi atribuído o título de GRANDE FLOCON a que todas as estrelas devem obediência.
Logo de manhã entretivemo-nos com uma visita por Valmeinier de Cima, onde se compraram as prendas que faltavam.
Depois de almoçarmos e de convencermos algum mais renitente para este último dia de avaliação da habilidades de esqui, lá seguiram.
Quando regressaram às 4, estivemos até às 5 horas a arrumar o material de esqui. Seguimos para o lanche, continuámos a arrumação das malas (ai, ai... alguns pais vão ter umas surpresas quando tentarem distinguir a roupa lavada da suja). Pouco depois chegaram os professores de esqui para entregarem os diplomas -este ano, quem queria a medalha teve de a pagar, o que aconteceu com alguns dos nossos.
Chegou rapidamente a hora de jantar, logo a seguir fizemos uma gigantesca fila para arrumar as malas no camião de transporte, e quando subimos para os quartos ainda houve tempo para uma BOOM surpresa nos corredores do hotel, com os nossos vizinhos alemães.
E agora, espero, devem estar a dormir a sono solto, porque amanhã, a alvorada é às 6.30 horas.
Pequeno almoço, camioneta e comboio... contem connosco por volta das 23.30.
Estão todos bem de saúde, todos fizeram ao seu nível a Classe de Neve e, apesar de alguns não o confessarem, estão mesmo desejosos de vos cair nos braços.
Por mim, este BLOG acaba por aqui. Agradeço a colaboração dos pais que quiseram aqui deixar os seus comentários.
Boa noite...

Chut !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Toute la semaine, les enfants ont réalisé des rêves blancs, doux à souhait, la nuit et le jour. Ce soir, après la lecture d'un conte qui succédait à une journée de fête avec la remise des récompenses, les enfants font d'autres rêves, roses et bleus, doux à souhait toujours. Ils rêvent des câlins et des bisous que leur feront leur jolie maman et leur joyeux papa, quand, les yeux illuminés par leur bonheur et leurs récits, ils diront : MERCI !!!!!!!!!

Eine Superabschiedsparty

Gestern war unser grosses "Spectacle" und es war ein Riesenerfolg. Unser Beitrag war einer der besten. Marius grosser Traum ging in Erfuellung, einmal Tokyo Hotel zu sein. Der Auftritt war super. Die Maedchen spielten Fans und einige Jungs waren Bodyguards.....So , letzter Tag. Gleich geht s auf die Piste: Sonnenschein pur. Wir sind traurig, dass es bald vorbei ist.
Morgen sehen wir uns wieder. Resultat: keiner hatte Heimweh!
CdN besser als erwartet! Alle gluecklich!
Liebe Gruesse von BL

the show 2

the show

Mieli tėveliai

Šiandieną oras tiesiog nuostabus. Ryte turėjome pamokas, dabar papietavome ir jau turime bėgti ruoštis slidinėjimo pamokoms (paskutinei pamokai). Slidinėti išeiname visi. Siunciame keletą akirmirkų iš mūsų saldžių miegelių po puikaus šou pasirodymo. Po pavakarių bus įvertintas mūsų slidinėjimas ir įteikti medaliai. Parašysime daugiau. Jūsų mylimi vaikučiai ir mokytojos.

Extra photos!

Just a few extra photos for you!

Classe de Neige draws to a close but Mark and Bethan are celebrating!

The last two days of Classe de Neige have been full of activity and we're doing as many things as possible before we have to leave. Yesterday it was Bethan's birthday, so after having sung her happy birthday and given out presents, the children went on their luges again (experts by this time!) and we had loads of fun playing in the snow, making snowmen or animals and flying down the luge slopes. After lunch they were back out on the ski slopes and it was amazing to see the progress they'd made in their lessons. Their confidence is so much higher, and they came in at the end of the afternoon full of their latest achievements. It was wonderful to listen to them and see their faces. In the evening there was a concert organised by the monitors. All the schools at the hotel took part and every language section put on a short performance. Our class did a talent show. It was very funny and, as you would expect, very well performed by the children. They didn't get to bed until quite late and were up again early this morning to celebrate Mark's birthday. They've now gone out snow shoeing with Mrs Boulter's class and this afternoon will have their last ski lesson which will include a test to see how far they have progressed. Then certificates will be given out in a ceremony in the small theatre we have here. After that the children will have to pack their cases and the lorry will be loaded at 8 o' clock. So here are a few photos. I may not have time to put up another post as we leave early tomorrow morning, but when I get back to Brussels I'll put as many photos as possible onto a CD and give one to each of the children.